October 5, 2015
NTFL graduate students and officers of the Duke Materials Research Society student chapter, Erich Radauscher and Tasso von Windheim (along with other co-organizers from UNC and NCSU), put together another successful Triangle wide event last week. The 3rd annual Trianlge Student Research Competition (TSRC 2015) was held at the Frontiers building in RTP on September 22nd.
Over a 100 graduate students, faculty, and local companies attended and joined in collaborative conversation while students from Duke, UNC, and NCSU presented their research to their peers. NTFL's own Shane Di Dona and Isvar Cordova competed in the event presenting their research posters. Everyone enjoyed several hours of friendly competition and dinner while the sound of new collaborations, interesting scientific discussions, and networking took place.
A big congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to all the supporting entities and judges who made this event possible.